來源:在職研究生招生信息網 發布時間:2013-04-10 13:13:22
Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook apologized to Chinese consumers on Monday for confusion over its warranty policy following more than two weeks of criticism in the Chinese media of its after-sales service.
Apple is revising its warranties for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S and simplifying its explanation of warranties and ways for customers to provide feedback, Cook said in a letter on Apple's China website.
“We are aware that owing to insufficient external communication, some consider Apple's attitude to be arrogant, inattentive or indifferent to consumer feedback,” Cook said. “We express our sincere apologies for causing consumers any misgivings or misunderstanding”, he added.
The criticism of Apple began on March 15 with the broadcast of an annual show on China Central Television about consumer safety and rights. The show assailed Apple for its after-service, including not offering new iPhones with a one-year warranty in the case of major repairs.
Now Apple will replace iPhone 4 and 4S models purchased in China with new phones in the case of such repairs, along with a new one-year warranty, Cook said in his letter.
The company also will give refresher training to service providers to explain the new warranty policy, he said.
庫克在蘋果中國官網上的致歉信中表示,蘋果將會“改進iPhone 4 和iPhone 4S 維修政策;在Apple 官方網站上提供簡潔清晰的維修和保修政策說明;確保消費者能夠便捷地聯系Apple 以反饋服務的相關問題”。
庫克在道歉中稱,“我們意識到,由于在此過程中對外溝通不足而導致外界認為Apple 態度傲慢,不在意或不重視消費者的反饋。對于由此給消費者帶來的任何顧慮或誤會,我們表示誠摯的歉意。”
庫克在道歉信中還寫道,“iPhone 4 或iPhone 4S 已經過Apple 或Apple 授權服務提供商使用部分重新裝配套件維修,我們會視其為整機更換,并為維修后的iPhone 提供自維修之日起重新計算的1 年保修期。”
蘋果CEO還表示,“我們給中國的所有Apple 授權服務提供商下發了新的培訓材料,以確保每個為Apple 產品提供服務的相關人員不僅熟知我們的政策,也掌握 ”三包“ 規定及相關政策。”