來源:在職研究生招生信息網 發布時間:2013-04-15 10:33:49
2013年同等學力申碩考試5月26日開考,很多在職人士反應同等學力英語考試太難,其實不然,平時多積累,多接觸, 可以在無形中提高在職人士的英語水平。下面與諸位在職人士分享一篇雙語文章。
There is a major shift occuring in the workforce and women are at the center of it. Women's skill sets are more prevalent in the workforce now than in the past, especially as women hold more management positions. The following skills are women bring into the workplace:
1. They're more intuitive to bringing in all points of view. This allows for more collaboration and win-win situations. In today's complex working environment, this way of doing business is essential. Women are more inclined to investigate both sides to see if both parties can actually have a desirable outcome. They're more willing to ask, 'What do you want out of this?'
1. 她們用敏銳的直覺提出所有觀點。這會帶來更多合作和雙贏局面。在當今復雜的工作環境中,這種經商方式必不可少。女性更傾向于調查雙方是否都獲得理想結果。她們更愿意問:“你想從這次合作中得到什么?”
2. They have different values than men do. They're much more empathetic to the diverse workforce needs. If an employee is conflicted between work and other aspects of her life, a woman in a senior position would more likely notice the needs of her employee.
2. 他們和男性有不同的價值觀。他們更理解多樣化的勞動力需求。如果一個員工在工作和生活其他方面有沖突,在高級職位上的女性更容易注意到員工的需求。
3. Women are stronger with networking, sponsoring and supporting each other. Women help each other out more often than men do. However, one of the biggest mistakes women make is their lack of confidence. They underestimate their potential and, therefore, don't achieve as much as they could.
3. 女性在社交、資助和互相支持方面更勝一籌。比起男性,女性更經常幫助對方。然而,女性會犯的最大錯誤之一是缺乏信心。她們低估自己的潛力,因此沒有達到想要的結果。
If you look at the unemployment numbers, education continues to be the key differentiator in people who are getting jobs and people who are not. If you run the numbers, it's inevitable that there will be more women than men in the future workplace.