來源:在職研究生招生信息網 發布時間:2015-07-31 14:32:45
1. Smith is to study medicine as soon as he ____ military service.
A. will finish B. has finished C. finish D. would finish
2. He was laid _____ for six weeks with we broken ribs.
A. in B. out C. up D. down
3. He _______ to be affected by many things.
A. forced B. permitted C. advised D. tended
4."Did you remember to giver Anne the money you own her."Yes, ______ I saw her, I remembered."
A. momentarily B. while C. suddenly D. the instant
5. _______ the formation of the sun, the planets and other stars began with the consideration of an interstellar cloud.
A. It accepted that B. Accepted that C. It is accepted that D. That is accepted
6. He is a man __ no one has a better right to speak.
A. whom B. to whom C. than who D. than whom
7.______ would have known the answer.
A. Clever anyone B. Anyone clever C. Anyone is clever D. Clever is anyone
8. Why are you still smoking? You _______.
A. should have given up it B. should have given it up
C. ought to have given up it D. should given it up
1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.B
1.Having decided to rent a flat,we__contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.
A.set about B.set down C.set out D.set up
2.When he realized the police had spotted him,the man__the exit as quickly as possible.
A.made off B.made for C.made out D.made up
3.If you__the bottle and cigarettes,you’ll be much healthier.
A.take off B.keep off C.get off D.set off
4.The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at__chemist’s.
A.each B.some C.certain D.any
5.The manager spoke highly of such__as loyalty,courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.
A.virtues B.features C.properties D.characteristics
6.Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t__so much noise.
A.resist B.sustain C.tolerate D.undergo
7.As a result of careless washing,the jacket__to a child’s size.
A.compressed B.shrank C.dropped D.decreased
8.Since the matter was extremely__,we dealt with it immediately.
A.tough B.tense C.urgent D.Instant
1.本題的答案為A。本句前邊說"已經決定租房,我們聯系房屋中介 商……"這里需要填"開始"的意思。從動詞后的4個介詞來說,只有about有表示"將來"(be about)的意思,所以A為正確答案。需順便補充的是,set about結構中,about是介詞,因此它后面如果跟動詞,需要用動詞的-ing形式。 翻譯: 已經決定租一套公寓,我們門開始著手聯系市內所有的房產中介。
2.本題的答案為B。這里空格處要填的是表示"走向"之意,這里只有"for"表示在同一水平線上"向……方向"(注意,句中有exit一詞,表示the man是在一建筑物內,所以不可能用out the exit)注意上下,而且out t是一個副詞,后面接名詞時需要有介詞of,所以正確選項是B而不是C。 翻譯: 當他意識到警察已經看到他時,這個男子迅速以最快速度向門口走去。
3.本題答案為B。keep與off合在一起是"與……保持距離,遠離……"的意思,根據句義"如果你不喝酒(這里bottle代指酒)、吸煙,你就會更健康",正確選項為B。 翻譯:如果你能遠離酒精,和香煙,你一定能更加健康。
4.正確選項為D。本題中前一句中的everywhere就決定了第二句中的空格處填(at any chemist’s)。 翻譯:這種藥到處都有出售,在任何藥店都能買到。
5.正確選項為A。本句中as后面的名詞loyalty(忠誠),courage(勇氣),truthfulness(實事求是.是對空格處名詞進行的 解釋。本句中的3個名詞歸納起來都屬于人應當具有的"美德",所以本題的答案為A。 翻譯:經理高度贊揚了員工們展現的忠誠,勇氣,真誠。
6.正確選項為C。本句從don’t like…,推出后邊的can’t tolerate,表示"不能容忍"的意思。 翻譯: 許多老人不喜歡流行歌曲,因為他們無法忍受喧鬧。
7.正確選項為B。通過原因"careless washing"推出正確選項 B.shrank,意思是"收縮".注意四個選項中只有B.項表示"衣服縮水"的意思:其他各項的意思是:A.緊壓,壓縮;C.下降;D.減少。 翻譯: 因為洗滌時候的不小心,夾克衫縮水縮到了孩子的大小。
8.正確選項為C。后半句中的副詞"immediately"可以推出前半句中的"urgent"(迫切的緊急的)。 翻譯: 因為事情極其緊急,我們立即予以處理。
1.It is _______ cold this winter in Xi’an.
A. Considerably B.tight C.naval D.moreover
2.It has been my _______ to meet with this accident.
A. journal B.reduction C.affect D.fate
3.This product is _______ to change without notice.
A. despite B.evil C.subject D.crust
4.I don’t know how he can _______ himself for such conduct.
A. justify B.locate C.rear D.swear
5.The stolen watch has been _______ to its owner.
A. Retired B.pitched C.restored D.cured
1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C
1. Our university has an international student exchange _______ with the University of Wyoming in the United States.
A. Procession B. Provision C. profession D. program
2. He ________ of me the best way to go.
A. investigated B. inquired C. frightened D. resorted
3. Mr. White tried to _______ this job through the influence of his father.
A. Harness B. fetch C. curse D. obtain
4. This light shelf is strong enough to _______ all the books here.
A. wipe B.wax C. survey D. sustain
5. The _______ Court is the highest court in the United States.
A. Vital B. Thunder C. Reverse D. Supreme
1.D 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.D
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